Our Story

MoreThanMeerAs was founded in 2021 in response to the urgent needs of impoverished communities most adversely affected by the pandemic. These communities, the essence of our society, are woven together by shared experiences, dreams, and challenges. Yet, in today’s world, the fabric of these communities is fraying, leaving individuals, families, and broader society feeling disconnected and disempowered.

In these moments of fragmentation, visionaries like Andri Eloff, a retired minister, Louine Griessel, a social worker, and Louise Fouche, an occupational therapist, have dedicated their lives to restoring dignity, wholeness, and vitality to these communities through the impactful work of MoreThanMeerAs.

Andri beautifully illustrates the depth of human lives with an analogy to trees:

‘There is a great similarity between the life story of a tree and a human being. When we look at the tree, we see the exterior – the texture of the bark, shape of the trunk, colour of the leaves, the overall shape, and the branches telling its life story. However, there is much more to a tree. The tree, much like a human being, also has an inner story, a hidden story’.

This profound analogy is a cornerstone of the MoreThanMeerAs branding and our approach to community work.

Our Impact

One shining example of MoreThanMeerAs’ impact is our work in Touws River.

In partnership with the Breede Valley Association of and for Persons with Disabilities and the DG Murray Trust, we embarked on a transformative journey. In 2021, we engaged 34 participants from the community in a 15-month process of healing, dreaming, and innovating. This initiative not only restored hope, but also empowered individuals to contribute meaningfully to their community’s resurgence.

At MoreThanMeerAs, we continue to strive for the restoration and empowerment of communities, ensuring that they are not only alive but thriving.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world where communities are thriving and interconnected, where every individual feels empowered, valued, and connected. We envision communities that embrace healing through connection, fostering resilience and self-discovery. By nurturing each person’s unique contributions, we aim to build environments of collective worthiness and solidarity. We aspire to be a catalyst for transformation, guiding communities through interactive processes of healing, dreaming, and innovation.

Through authentic encounters and creative interactions, we seek to inspire a universal belief in the power of authentic connection and the potential of every individual.
Together, we strive for a future where everyone recognises their inherent value and contributes to building cohesive, vibrant communities where all can flourish and live fully alive.

Our Mission

The MoreThanMeerAs mission is to address the mental well-being of communities by creating transformative and safe spaces. Through interactive group processes of healing, dreaming, and innovation, we empower groups and individuals to uncover their unique contributions, overcome personal challenges, and connect deeply with others. We emphasise healing through connection, fostering a collective journey towards self-discovery and resilience, nurturing a sense of worthiness and interconnectedness.

We ignite this journey through authentic encounters, fun, and creative interactions, guiding participants to a healthy self-belief that: ‘I am enough, worthy, connected’, and collectively affirming that: ‘We are enough, worthy, connected’. Together, we strive to build stronger, more cohesive communities where everyone can thrive and become more fully alive.

Our Objectives

At MoreThanMeerAs, we are deeply committed to the empowerment of communities, believing that strong, cohesive communities are the foundation of a thriving society. Our approach is centred on creating transformative and safe spaces where individuals can come together to heal, dream, and innovate.

Healing Through Connection

At MoreThanMeerAs, we are deeply committed to the empowerment of communities, believing that strong, cohesive communities are the foundation of a thriving society. Our approach is centred on creating transformative and safe spaces where individuals can come together to heal, dream, and innovate.


Our programmes are designed to help individuals uncover their unique contributions, overcome personal challenges, and connect deeply with others. By nurturing a sense of worthiness and interconnectedness, we empower individuals to contribute meaningfully to their communities. This empowerment is achieved through authentic encounters, fun, and creative interactions that promote healthy self-belief and collective affirmation.

Capacity Building and Resilience

We believe that strong communities are built on the foundation of empowered individuals. Therefore, we focus on capacity building, providing community members with the skills and resources they need to thrive. Our initiatives include community workshops that equip people with the tools to navigate and excel in their lives. These workshops create environments where participants can learn, grow, and connect meaningfully with others.

Transformative Group Work

Our interactive group processes of healing, dreaming, and innovation create spaces where participants can engage in deep, meaningful work. Through these processes, we guide participants towards a healthy self-belief that: ‘I am enough, worthy, connected’, and collectively affirm that: ‘We are enough, worthy, connected’. This approach helps communities rise above adversities and past mistakes to realise their immense potential.

Advocacy and Social Integration

In addition to our direct work with individuals and groups, we advocate for social integration and community resilience. Our efforts include working with community partners to address systemic challenges and promote inclusive practices. By fostering a culture of advocacy and support, we aim to create communities where everyone can thrive and become more fully alive.

Our Dynamic Team

Andri Eloff

Director, Group Facilitator

Andri brings a wealth of experience and expertise to MoreThanMeerAs, spanning various fields including leadership roles in faith communities, group facilitation, team building, personal growth facilitation, relationship facilitation, pastoral care, and counselling. With a focus on spiritual direction and guidance, Andri has been instrumental in creating safe environments and spaces for couples since 2013.

As an IMAGO Relationship Therapist, Andri specialises in guiding couples on a transformative journey within their relationships. He believes in re-discovering the potential of marriage as a healing space, inviting couples to engage in intentional relationships where conflict becomes an opportunity for inner growth.

Andri’s approach involves recreating language and fostering a new vision that embraces vulnerability, honesty, active listening, unconditional encounter, compassion, and empathy. Andri’s work goes beyond what is seen, felt, and heard in relationships, delving into the deeper dynamics and nuances that contribute to meaningful connections and personal growth. His dedication to supporting people in their journey towards deeper understanding and connection makes him an invaluable asset to the MoreThanMeerAs team.

Louise Fouche

Director, Group Facilitator, Occupational Therapist

Louise is a seasoned occupational therapist with a career spanning back to 1992. Her extensive experience includes working in various psychiatric settings such as Weskoppies Hospital, the acute psychiatric unit at Worcester Hospital, Louis Botha Children’s Homes, Huis Disa Old Age Home, Baby Therapy Centre, Pines Private Psychiatric Clinic, and maintaining a small private practice.

In addition to her clinical work, Louise has contributed significantly to academia, lecturing at the University of Pretoria for 8 years in Group Therapy and Mental Health. During this time, she completed her Post Graduate Diploma in Interpersonal Relationships and Groups with distinction, obtained her Master’s Degree in OT specialising in psychiatry, and earned a Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Education. Louise’s passion for education extends beyond South Africa, as she has been a guest lecturer at the University of Mauritius engaging with both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She played a pivotal role in launching OTGrow in 2010 and has since trained approximately 100 therapists nationally and internationally in group skills, including projective techniques and psychodrama.

As a director of MoreThanMeerAs, Louise has led a wide range of impactful group programmes aimed at building social cohesion, empowering communities, addressing burnout, and facilitating self-growth.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Louise finds fulfillment in her role as a wife and mother of three children. Her current interests include group dynamics, psychodrama, shadow work, spirituality, and creative expression, all of which she integrates to help others aspire to their highest selves and true potential.

Louine Griessel

Director, Group Facilitator, Social Worker

Louine obtained her BA in Social Work from the University of Stellenbosch in 2001. Following a brief period working at hospitals in London and various child- and family care organisations in South Africa, she joined the Breede Valley Association of and for Persons with Disabilities in May 2005.  Initially focused on the work and employment of persons with disabilities, Louine soon became deeply involved in developing, implementing, and managing various projects and programs aimed at providing accessible opportunities to persons with disabilities within their communities.

During her tenure at Breede Valley APD, she gained a wealth of experience and benefitted from the guidance of incredible mentors who helped her hone her professional skills as a social worker.  It was in her role as CEO at Breede Valley APD that she met both Louise and Andri, her future co-founders at MoreThanMeerAs.

In January 2019, Louine participated in the BrightStar Life Leadership Development Course, facilitated by Andri.  This transformative experience, which focused on personal values, relationships, and leadership styles, had a profound impact on her life.  Defining and acknowledging her life purpose and the unique attributes and skills she brings to the table was a rubicon moment, opening up a world of new connections and networks.

Sharing these new realisations with Andri and Louise led to the birth and formation of MoreThanMeerAs.  Louine is passionate about people and communities, engaging with them ‘where they are’ to make them feel comfortable sharing their stories, experiences, know-how, and resources.  She thrives on making connections and creating and facilitating opportunities for inclusion and equality for all.

Join Us in Making a Difference!

Partnering with MoreThanMeerAs is more than just a collaboration; it’s a commitment to building stronger, healthier communities.  Together, we can address personal challenges, foster social cohesion, and create environments where everyone can thrive.  

For more information on the benefits of partnering with MoreThanMeerAs and how to get involved, please contact us at admin@morethanmeeras.co.za.