Meet Verna, who is a past-participant in MoreThan’s sessions and discovered the power of visualising her dreams.

Drawing a tree representing her aspirations, she envisioned a safehouse for girls, “The Beautiful Girl in the Mirror”.  Today, she’s working with young girls at Huis Vredelust, investing in their futures and moving closer to her dream.

“Thank you, MoreThanMeerAs, for shaping her journey!” she says.


At MoreThanMeerAs, we see people and trees sharing a common journey.  Just as trees grow and flourish with time, we too can expand our horizons and deepen our roots.  The tree’s canopy represents the life-giving relationships we nurture, while its trunk symbolises the hidden stories and experiences that shape us.  The roots anchor us, providing stability, and the bark protects us, reminding us of our resilience.

Just as trees require a conducive environment to thrive, we too need relational safe spaces to grow.

Our approach at MoreThanMeerAs is built on this profound analogy, recognising that people, like trees, need nourishment, support, and care to reach their full potential.

Watch Verna’s story and discover how MoreThanMeerAs empowers individuals to branch out and flourish!