In today’s fast-paced world, finding quality time for family can be challenging, especially for busy households. At MorethanMeerAs, we understand the importance of these precious moments. Here, we explore practical techniques to help busy families make the most of their time together.

  1. Schedule Regular Family Time

Just like important meetings, family time should be a non-negotiable appointment in your calendar. Whether it’s a weekly dinner or a monthly outing, having a set schedule helps ensure that this time is protected.

  1. Quality Over Quantity

It’s not about the amount of time spent together, but the quality of that time. Even 15-20 minutes of fully engaged, device-free interaction can be more meaningful than hours spent together with distractions.

  1. Create Family Rituals

Family rituals, like Sunday breakfasts or evening walks, create a sense of anticipation and belonging. These rituals become cherished memories and can be especially comforting during times of stress or change.

  1. Involve Children in Daily Activities

Incorporate family time into everyday tasks. Cooking, gardening, or even running errands can become fun family activities if approached with the right attitude.

  1. Be Present

When you’re with your family, be fully there. This means setting aside your phone and other distractions to focus on the moment.

  1. Plan for Special One-on-One Time

If you have more than one child, try to set aside time for each child individually. This helps in building a unique bond with each child and lets them feel special and heard.


In the end, it’s about making the most of the moments you have together. At MorethanMeerAs, we believe that with a little planning and a lot of love, busy families can create lasting bonds and cherished memories. Remember, it’s the small moments that make life big!